Friday 6 May 2011

Bolberry Down to Hope Cove

Tuesday 8 March

As we drove through the Devon countryside there were snowdrops and primroses in the hedgerows.  Unfortunately there were roadworks at Modbury and the road was closed so we had to do a long diversion, but it gave us a chance to see parts of the countryside we don't usually view.

We started to follow the walk outlined in   First we went down the path towards Soar Bay, but stopped when the path became very steep as it went down to the beach below.  Retracing our steps we walked towards Hope Cove and the views were so spectacular that we continued on all the way to Outer Hope.

It was unfortunate that it was misty out to see so that you could not really see far, but you had an impression of the coastline in the distant.  The guide says you can see all the way to Rame Head.

The path was only steep in one stretch as we went down towards Inner and Outer Hope.  This is definitely a walk I would do again, although next time I would ensure we had good visibility so we could appreciate the views even more.

Hope Cove

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