Thursday 12 January 2012

Looe to Mildrendreath

We caught the train to Looe, a very pleasant train ride with beautiful views out of the carriage all the way. As we approached Looe there were many birds in the river - herons, egrets, curlews as well as gulls and ducks.

After walking around Looe and having some lunch we followed the South West Coast Path towards Mildenreath.  There was a long steep climb up from Looe town, but the view from the top of the cliff over the beach to Hannafore Point was worth the effort.

We continued walking around the coast.  There was a proper path all the way, and we were often on quiet roads between attractive houses.  After we had gone down to Plaidy Beach we had to go up another hill and then down a long hill with steps to Mildrendeath.

We then turned around and walked back to Looe.  It had been an ideal walk for a winter's day when other paths would have been muddy.