Friday 13 June 2014

Cremyl to Caswand in May

Having just posted the blog of our walk around West Pentire headland I see my last entry was in December.  With a very wet winter, with lots of cliff falls we have not been out on the South West Coast path very much.  However we did do the walk from Cremyll to Caswand in May but I had forgotten to write about it.

The first delight on this walk was seeing the baby goslings at the pond.

There was rhodendrons and bluebells along the way.

As we walked we saw many trees that had been felled by the winter storms.  Some had been cleared, but at one point there was a large tree blocking the path.  People had made an diversion, but this meant a steep up and down and as it was still a bit muddy it was not easy, in fact almost dangerous.

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