Sunday 21 August 2011

Stoke Point

Having parked the car at the National Trust car park inland from Stoke Point we walked down to the coastal path.  This was a very steep path and we determined to find another way back to the car!  We headed eastward and there were beautiful views out to sea and along the coast to Bigbury and beyond.

The path was wide and good and after a while went through woods with plenty of butterflies around.  The path was fairly flat and we slowly went down to the edge of Stoke Beach and then gradually walked up towards Beacon Hill.  We then came to a steep path downwards.  There a path inland that looked as if would skirt this steep hill, but we did not have a map with us so we decided to turn round at this point.

When we came to the pathway back to the carpark we chose to walk on further to the next point and then cut up the hill gradually back to the car park.  A much better way than the downward path.

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